Abelardo Cuffia S.A
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Abelardo Cuffia S.A

ABELARDO CUFFIA S.A. is a company based in Marcos Juárez (Córdoba), founded in 1990. It specializes in Precision Agriculture equipment and is one of the pioneering companies in Latin America, with over 30 years of recognized experience in developing equipment for monitoring and variable applications. Currently, the company has two productive plants that provide over 3600 square meters dedicated to the design, development, production, and marketing of state-of-the-art products. They offer excellent post-sale service and highly skilled technical support, making them a cutting-edge company in the development of technologies applied in modern agriculture. Abelardo Cufia S.A. is certified under ISO 9001 Quality standards. Abelardo Cufia S.A. has a staff of over 80 collaborators, with 25% dedicated to research and development stages. Their main products include Automatic Pilot, Satellite Guidance, Variable Dosage, Spraying Control, Fertilization Control, Monitoring, and Automatic Cutting during planting.

Export trajectory:

We have been exporting to Latin America, South Africa, and Eastern Europe for over 15 years with excellent acceptance in these markets

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Desarollo: Martin Mirtuono Diseño y Comunicación